Daylight Savings To-Do’s

Twice a year, at the beginning and end of daylight savings, I take the time to do those certain household chores that we either don’t think about throughout the year, or we put off doing for various reasons.  Today, after you have changed all your clocks and watches, take some time to do these chores to make sure your home is in tip-top shape for the next several months.  If you don’t have time today, set a date for the next two weeks to have these items checked off your to-do list.


  • Mattress – Depending on the type of mattress you have, it is important to flip and/or rotate it 180 degrees to help extend its life and maintain its comfort.  Check the care instructions to see if this is advised for your mattress.
  • Safety – Change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, and replace any smoke detectors older than 10 years and carbon monoxide detectors older than five to seven years.
  • Pantry – Remove any expired items from your pantry and make a list of the items that need to be replaced to ensure you are never short ingredients.
  • First Aid – Sort through your first aid kit and medicine cabinet, and make a list of items that need to be replaced due to low quantities or expiration dates.
  • Storm Supplies – Check your emergency preparedness kits to ensure that all items remain fully stocked, that batteries have not expired or leaked, and that all radios and flashlights are in proper working order.  If there are any items missing or items that were partially used during a recent storm, be sure to add them to your shopping list and replace them immediately.  If you do not yet have an emergency kit, here are some helpful resources from the American Red Cross and FEMA to build your own.
  • Wardrobe – Edit your wardrobe to remove any unwanted items and to make room for the new pieces you will be purchasing for the coming season or that you may be rotating out of seasonal storage.

Photograph by Patrick Seeger/dpa/Corbis

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